Creative Building ContestWelcome to the very first edition of the CBC, the Creative Building Contest, brought to you by 16352. The origin of this competition is TMX, it was once hosted there. Here's the link of the...
(03/03 update: MT has been included for the Intro, Outro and Podium)
(06/03 update: MT for Intro has been improved to show the track, using all four car types)
(22/03 update: Scenery updated and a new MT Intro included.)
Alright, thanks for clarifying! (Y)
Good point, I'll try and explain it the best I can, as it can be quite subjective. If a track has entirely different routes for the two cars, it won't be disqualified from the MTC, but it may be marked down for its theme, as the idea is to have the r...
It'd probably be best to clear this up as soon as possible: what do you mean by "The driving route must be similar for the two vehicles, but it doesn't need to be identical?" How different can the routes be before they're considered too different? Al...
Please post links to your tracks for MTC March 2018 in this thread.
On your track page, you'll see a six-digit ID number of your track, and next to it is a button for copying that number to the clipboard.
Welcome to the Monthly Track Contest (MTC) for March 2018, hosted by PangoLynne!
In the MTC your task is to build a track on a given theme. Later, all the entered tracks are rated and a winner is found.
Theme of...