There are still quite a few bugs concerning the ingame HUD and the intro (at least when I last checked), which includes but is not limited to no HUD being shown during validation and testing, the old MP3 HUD being shown in various places and intros n...
Hans Holo
Hello everybody,
I don't see any intro when starting a track.
The "Skip rolling demo"-box in the advanced settings is unchecked. (Does rolling demo mean intro?)
Thanks for your help
Hans Holo
at some point the replay-cam loses track of the car (on my tracks). Is there a known issue/fix with replays in MP4?
(I've built the tracks before blocks in the Media-Tracker got smaller. So this might have to to with an old update.)
Hans Holo
Please do not update this track: https://tm.mania-exchange.com/tracks/21831/imperium
Some PF-bulldozing has to be done first. :@
The leads me to this question: Is it really useful to update all t...
Also reported over on the ShootMania side of MX:
So that report should also be closed when this fix is deployed.
Bon deja tu te calme. Ya aucune raison d'insulter Nadeo les gens qui traveille sur ce forum.
Beta is out... and what do w e know so far? 3 MP4 updates today..
lagoon beta asks for a key.
tries to find my key...
:wait: :wait: :wait:
Internal Server Error. cannot load the page where my beta key is at...
edit: got acces
why the hel...
Red Virus
Went there bud. It was the same thing. Was told "when you see an update in the game, it is fixed". Not exactly the same wording, but still, we deserve something more than that. Oh well. I will pass on the info.