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 Climbing Highs

by  Larentz  |  46
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AT   01:00.067 |  Valley / ValleyCar   |   Advanced 
ID  216750 
  Tech Scenery    
 2021-05-06 21:22:45
 Visible (approved) |  Released 
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 Offline records
# Record User Score Date
1st   00:58.200  Larentz 46 (100%) 10-05-21
2nd   00:59.562  SioulB 36.8 (80%) 28-05-21
3rd   01:00.077  Minimariner 29.9 (65%) 30-07-21
4th   01:00.212  noni 25.3 (55%) 23-06-21
5th   01:01.349   dr_eugene 21.16 (46%) 04-02-23
6th   01:01.751  RexasaurusSmurf 18.4 (40%) 12-06-21
7th   01:02.190  Mazer 16.1 (35%) 30-12-21
8th   01:02.370  eyebo 13.8 (30%) 08-05-23
9th   01:04.207  Roche 11.96 (26%) 03-07-22
10th   01:10.528   WRAITH 10.12 (22%) 06-05-21
11th   01:16.735  temporarily offline 8.74 (19%) 10-05-21
 Dedimania recordsView on Dedimania
 Author Comments
One minute climber ! up.. we go. Known also as "Poleland", I'm happy to tell you I might have placed ~200 extra poles/signs/cps you can hit here. :cool: I've recently been cooperating with   WRAITH in Valley scene and I really love his unique style. Many of his tracks are quite different from "basic valley tracks" and eventually it got into me too :d Here I wanted to have some similarities in driving style while bringing out my own look with really different layout. oddly for me, NO DIRT ! Only narrow roads, much driftier than normal valley, maybe some custom pieces can be also spotted besides those poles.
GPS, intro, outro, podium.. yep all MT is made, for intro I've finally put bit more effort and idea than I usually do.

Few words of times here:
This is hard to drive fast.
Getting near 1 minute border is good, honestly. There's no way driving it without being great on this track
Getting under it is superb! and that beats AT as well. I wanted to have a clear Author Time goal here that is not too impossible. Be fast but no perfection required !
Keep pushing hard and you can find yourself hitting times starting with 57 :thinking:

Good luck, have fun !
- Larentz
 Embedded objects54 Objects
Object IX? Object author
ValleySignArrowFarmland.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleySignWoodStandDanger.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleySignWoodStandLeftBlue.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleySignWoodStandRight.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleySignWoodStandRightBlue.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleyDTree1.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleyDTree2.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleyDTree3.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleyDTree5.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleyEpoleBIG.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleyRoad2WayChicaneSlope2x2x1_S2.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleyRoad2WayChicaneSlope2x2x1_V2.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleyRoad2WayForestOpen_SlopeGT2CurveOnHill3.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleyRoad2WayForestOpenChicaneSlope2x2x1_Special1_1.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleyRoad2WayForestOpenSlope_Curve2_H16_Special1_1.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleyRoad2WayForestOpenToRoad2WayCorner1Special1.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleyRoad2WaySlopeRandom1S.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleyRoad2WaySlopeRightUp2x2_H16_2.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleyRoad2WaySlopeRightUp2x2_H16_Special.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleyRoad2WaySlopeSpecial1S2.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleyRoad2WaySlopeSpecial1S3_1.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleyRoad2WaySlopeSpecial2.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleyRoad2WaySlopeSpecial3.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleyRoad2WaySlopeSpecial4.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleyRoad2WaySlopeSpecial5.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleyRoad2WayToForest2Way.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleyCPDirt_Narrow_S2.Item.Gbx Larentz
V_Sail1.Item.gbx xrayjay
ValleyBridgeStone_SlopeStart.Item.Gbx larentz
FenceT1.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
StumpBig1.Item.Gbx tomhellrider1966
ValleyRoad2WayBiSlopeBetter1.Block.Gbx Larentz
ValleyRoad2WaySingleClipGR.Block.Gbx larentz
ValleyRoadForestClipRemover1.Block.Gbx Larentz
ValleyRoadForestLargeClipRemover_Single.Block.Gbx Larentz
V_Rock1.Item.gbx xrayjay
V_Rock2.Item.gbx xrayjay
V_Rock3.Item.gbx xrayjay
V_Rock4.Item.gbx xrayjay
ValleyStone1.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleyStone2.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleyStoneB3.Item.Gbx Larentz
ValleySuperHole.Block.Gbx Larentz
ValleySwordWhat.Item.Gbx Larentz
V_Woodpile.Item.gbx xrayjay
V_Woodshed.Item.gbx xrayjay
Danger.Item.gbx xrayjay
Pole.Item.gbx xrayjay
Slope.Item.gbx xrayjay
Cross_2.Item.gbx Harrison_rus
Cross_3.Item.gbx Harrison_rus
Fence_2.Item.gbx Harrison_rus
Slab.Item.gbx Harrison_rus
Tile.Item.gbx Harrison_rus
 45 / 54 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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Online map rating
Rated 2.44 stars by 5 players.
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