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 Bounce with Zlatan ²

by  eloop_  |  10
AT   01:00.188 |  Stadium / StadiumCar   |   Intermediate 
ID  49123 
 2017-07-03 22:03:24
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# Record User Score Date
1st   01:00.188  eloop_ 10 (100%) 13-09-13
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 Author Comments
Hi MX,

Here is a track from TMUF
A lot of work on this one, so i decided to create a TM² version

..Irritating TA track or Fun Round track..

Bounce with Zlatan ²

Doha 2022, one month before the Qatar World Cup of soccer a big Party is organised by Sponsors for futur specators.
You're the VIP of this Event, you are .. Zlatan Ibrahimovic (40 years old but still the leader of the Swedish national football team), payed by Qatar Sports Investments (QSI) to be there.

You're sitting in your car at the entrance of the party, not really excited to be here you decide to drive through the party and to join as quickly as possible the VIP area and the girls who are waiting for you.

Peoples are on the side when they hear the sound of your engine, but they are not afraid, you are very good at football, but they know that you're also a famous driver, they give you a standing ovation !!
Gradually as you progress through the crowd, music and applauses put you in the mood, you are henceforth delighted to be here .. the cloud of smoke at the back of your car is the prove !


You'll drive in a "party" with a lot of "sound spots", from the entrance (start) to the VIP area (finish).
You'll found some smooth jumps and some "fresh" & tricky parts.

I play with "behind view" : in-game MT = behind view >> internal view or personalised cam.
If you play with internal view you'll miss 3 in-game MT passages.

Track Info :

- Coppers : + 14000 ! (it's ok)
- Lenght : 1:00.00
- Style : Fun Dirt Race
- Difficulty : Int.
- Mood : Sunset
- Mod : Old Scrap Yard by Dose (42MB)
>> http://www.vinummusik.de/Trackmania/OLDSCRAPTYARD.zip
- Media Tracker :
.Music : techno
.Intro : 40 sec
.GPS : wait 5 sec

.. have fun with Zlatan ..

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