The building for Stage 5 is over.
It's time to rate, judge, vote or whatever you want to call it. The main thing is that you fill out this form.
This time I did not forget the maps :P
EDIT: But the deadline....w...
List Of WR On Videos :
Afekrshalew By tcq (Video Here !)
??circumstances« by sweezer(Video Here !)
You can, and that's the base of endurance maps in valley, but kinda clashes with the whole feel of the map.
well I solved that problem with blockmixing, mixed a building in the air and putted platform blocks under it to hide the transparant grass thing since mauntains were to high or couldn't reach it :p
anyways up in the air you can also do flat alike...
Because it's too high up on the air. Valley is a pretty horizontal envi, uses terrain a lot. And if you try to make it go down, the car gets a metric fuckton of speed. Considering my part and the screenshots of other 2, all the parts are a compromise...