Alright! Let's get down to it. This is my first Press Forward in TM2. I did it on the Canyon environment and it's not very long. I just wanted to get some cool stunts in a quick track. Let me know what you guys think
I decided to name it Scarlet Devil...since that was the coolest name at the time. To compensate for the name you have an awesome Ambience of what the "Scarlet Devil" did.
I decided to have a little fun with the background ambiance and this screen shot. So I made a little story.
Basically I decided to make it so the "Scarlet Devil" caused destruction to Maniaplanet. And canyon was struck first, leaving what you saw in the distance. And then you drive a PF (pretty lame I know but it was all in fun xD)
Hope you guys like it as much as I did building it. Enjoy!