I've been trying to sort a dedicated server out but having problems. I have tried out various maps but I always get the same problem below. Any ideas what is going wrong. I was thinking it was the maps themselves but I really don't know.
Using this:
Any help gratefully received:
Code:server@f6fa1123481f:~/tm_server$ ./TrackmaniaServer /nodaemon /nologs /dedicated_cfg="cfg_server.xml" /game_settings="MatchSettings/cfg_tracklist.xml" /title="Trackmania" /servername="harha/trackmania-server-docker" /upgrademaps /useronly /fullcheck
Starting Trackmania date=2021-04-08_09_00 git=104862-73fcea757e1 GameVersion=3.3.0...
Configuration file : cfg_server.xml
Loading system configuration...
...system configuration loaded
Loading cache...
Loading dedicated server configuration...
...Dedicated server configuration loaded
Listening for xml-rpc commands on port 5005.
* The xml-rpc connection is open to any ip,
* but the Admin / SuperAdmin password hasnt been changed!
* Anybody can remotely control the server.
Match settings file : MatchSettings\cfg_tracklist.xml
Loading match settings...
...ERROR: Map lightmap is not up to date.
...Could not load the match settings
Server not started: no Maps available. Check your matchsettings!
URL: uplay://launch/5595/0/#join=
Server not running, exiting.
Last edited by swolfhound, 2021-04-25 08:10:24