Well... these are kind of the reactions I expected, when I wrote my post. ^^ Everyone chill out, noone is disquaified, because I said so. Just wanted to tell, what will happen,
if we strictly follow the rules.
Gosaft says:
Wtf, I have a respawnable CP in my part. Look again!
Sorry, my fault, didn't see that one.
Enai Siaion says:
Hey, it's always nice to start paying attention to checkpoints two weeks after letting two parts in a row with cuts in them win. Maybe also try to actually find cuts instead of counting checkpoints, and perhaps care a little bit about the little things like killer turns at 40 seconds in and people who ravage other people's parts by building retarded concrete ufos above then and then we might get somewhere.
It won't be a problem for me, if we change the rules for the last part. I don't necessarily need a cp in the last stage, there's one right at the end of the fifth part and because many people haven't built one, it would be better to change the rules to keep it fair instead of disqualifying half of the submissions. ^^ That's my opinion, maybe some people will see it different, just wanted to tell, what will happen, if we judge exclusively by the rules.
Wanted to say something about those flying circles, too, but everytime I see or even think about them I die laughing, sorry.
Last edited by XT kruemelyeti, 2012-05-21 10:43:19