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McBong Maps
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McBong Maps 2013-05-14 17:00:40  
Hey guys,
I'm into TM2 finally after my exams. For the ones who know me from TM1 I don't have to tell you about my maps, you like them or you don't ;)

For the ones who don't know me yet: I build tracks since nearly 3 years now so I think I know what it's about ;) I do mostly fullspeed and also some dirt tracks and even one tech track.

Fullspeed gets the most attention from me so there are like 3 sub-styles for me:
1. "usual" Fullspeed with lots of speed, speeddrifts, walls and turns.
2. Hardcore speed like "Kindheitstrauma" from back in the days. So even more speed than in my usual tracks and the route consist mostly just of wall, tubes turns and crazy combinations of these. Many people hate this stlye but others love it so I'll go on with that.
3. Slower, transitional tracks. I usually hate these tracks but for fun I did one myself and it got some pretty nice feedback. So now if I have a transition I can't use in other tracks I mostly build a slow, transitional track out of it. This style is the one for which I don't build much cause I don't like it that much. High speed is always better ;)

My tracks here on MX are converted tracks from TMX but in the future I'll also do new ones.

Hardcore Track:

Normal fullspeed track:

Dirt track:
Learner Driver
Location: DE
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