Here is my story, long one, nothing as cool was some of yours tho
Chatper 1: Somewhere during my childhood I started playing worms, very seldom, but still. Me & my best friend had quite a wild imagination and we once thought what if Worms's worms were real. In a year it was sure that their world would have also superheroes like "Cyberworm" etc; of course, they have also supersheeps! Worms and some other creatures from our deep mind were our insane joke for a while.
Chapter 2: When I was 14, I decided to make a Youtube account. I thought the nick long but didn't invent anything. Suddenly "cyberworm" came up into my mind. I chose it but oh noes, it was taken! So I translated the word straight to Finnish: kybermato. I did some videos that are nowadays called Youtube poops and become quite liked there. However, the popularity was annoying due to spam and friend requests and I started to get more into TrackMania that I had found a bit after my YT registration.
Chapter 3: There I used nick kybermato for a while but soon after setting up my first clan [FBR] with friends from FinBits -server I changed my nick to Worm as I wanted to avoid "oh it's kybermato I've seen your videos xDDD" comments. (Thanks Youtube for having removed my old account and nobody remembers me anymore! I was too lazy to do it by myself and it was there without my visiting for a year!) Later I changed it to Cyrillic letters as I thought that looks better. After having played TM for one year I added "í" behind it as it looked even cooler. A year later I changed my nick to basic letters with little w, wormí. In TrackMania I have always had white "worm" but the color of "í" has changed with my clantag (in my old clan Don that was a new edit of [FBR] we had a freedom tho select our own colors <3). Now in DFF in which I've been almost an year my tag has to be green and I've kept the "í" white.
Bonus chapter: I've used also nick "ileee" and "1leee" in some other games and "WormFinland" in some too. Ile is my IRL nickname due to my real name Ilkka and WormFinland is just for a lack of better name.