Space, this classical way of judging maps failed many times in the past due to a lack of judges. It was very difficult or impossible to find 5 judges, who will judge all maps.
That's why I introduced the simple system of voting. I know that it is not perfect (because the perfect system does not exist) and it can seem unfair, especially when you look at individual votes. But with a higher vote number this can actually still work out, because each individual vote has a smaller impact. (e.g. one bad vote out of five
total votes has a bigger effect than one bad vote out of 20.) After all it is the combined result that counts and not the result of a single vote. Even in a judging committee opinions can vary
Golo, I see your point, but what if one gives bad votes to all tracks except of two, or three or four? Where is the limit between an obvious manipulation or a regular voting with strong opinions. And if we add many rules to cover all exceptions and cases, we end up with a complicated system again. (just take a look at statute book
I wouldn't mind adding one additional rule, if it really helps, but I don't known a good one at the moment. So I keep relying on the common sense that everyone gives fair votes. I also think that it helps to publish the votes in detail because nobody wants to be that guy giving unfair votes. (I hope