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Track Update Problem
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Track Update Problem 2021-02-14 01:25:47  
Hi I have been away from Trackmania for a long time and I have batch converted my tracks on my computer to fix the missing block problem. I then started to update my tracks on mania exchange. I got half way through and realized after updating them it put the following message on the track pages.

This map was saved prior to ManiaPlanet 4. It won't play properly until it's updated.

This is the link to my maps


Thanks NightOwl
Learner Driver
Location: AU
2021-02-18 03:30:37  
Hi, thanks for the report!

This happened because the maps were originally built in Nadeo's Trackmania 2 titlepack. It's an old multi-environment titlepack that was provided during the MP3 era. When the maps were batch computed, the Trackmania 2 titlepack was used again. This titlepack does allow you to update a map to MP4. However, it also keeps some things the same in the header of the map files. One of them is "exebuild".

On three of the map files I downloaded, the "exebuild" is:

Whereas MP4 and newer maps have an "exebuild" of:
"2017-05-09_14_00" or newer.

The site looks at this exebuild date when determining if the map is an MP4 map, or something older that could be broken. So this why it thinks your maps are older and places the warning on the track page.

The other way to determine if the map is MP4 or newer is to look at the lightmap version. MP4 maps are using version "7". And indeed, the three maps I checked were all using the new lightmap version.

I'll go ahead and manually mark all your maps as having a new exebuild. This will fix the way they're displayed on the page.

In the future (if you have any other old maps to update), you could re-save each map directly in the map editor of a newer titlepack, and it should properly update the exebuild info in the file header.


Also, just a side note. All of your maps should already be updated to MP4 on the site.

In 2017 (when MP4 was released), we downloaded all unhidden maps and updated them to MP4. It took several months, but we updated all 115,000 public maps on the sites at the time.
Last edited by eyebo, 2021-02-18 03:39:54
Site Leader
Location: US
2021-02-18 08:47:06  
Thanks eyebo.wp for this very fast help in cleaning and fixing this up for me. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Learner Driver
Location: AU
2021-02-18 15:11:55  
You're welcome, and welcome back to Trackmania! :d
Site Leader
Location: US
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