echo4hhsm says:
@Enai Siaion i drove your Track several Times and i need only some short drifts on your Track. i can reach first Checkpoint Complete without Drifting
The first checkpoint is right after the first bend. I suppose you mean the second checkpoint and yes, you can noslide any drift track if you drive like a turtle.
I say turtle because I watched your replay and raced against it, beating you by over 5 seconds (even the AT beats you by 3 seconds) so I win according to the rules of gladiatorial combat. Anyway:
- Your first drift is 7.8 seconds. This is because you drove so slowly that you interrupted both your first and last drifts; normally you'll only lose either drift and if you're
really fast it is continuous. I beat your time to CP2 by about 0.60 seconds, sacrificing the first drift but having no problems at all keeping my drift up all the way to the second cp after that. It seems you tried so hard to noslide at the CP1 booster that you went wide on the ensuing corner and lost all of your speed.
- Your second drift is well above 8 seconds, in fact it is unnecessarily long because you can actually noslide when you leave the last corner.
- Your third drift went way wide at that left hander and then you slammed on the brakes for good measure. You managed to lose 3 seconds on a distance of 15 seconds. Yeah, I suppose you won't drift if you drive like that.
Replay: (1:15.58)
I'll let the judges decide, but if they can't beat my replay they need to accept my word for it.
I cba to revalidate the track with a faster AT.