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 MTC - Rush

by  Lars  |  47
MTC 1st Place
It's a start
Open to feedback
AT   00:04.894 |  Lagoon / LagoonCar   |   Advanced 
ID  139538 
 2018-04-21 18:02:11
 Visible (approved) |  Released 
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 Offline records
# Record User Score Date
1st   00:04.885  Ozon 47 (100%) 04-06-18
2nd   00:04.891  Deska 45.12 (96%) 23-04-18
3rd   00:04.893  Nsgr 43.24 (92%) 24-04-18
4th   00:04.894  Lars 41.36 (88%) 23-04-18
5th   00:04.896  Acidmist 39.48 (84%) 10-05-18
6th   00:04.897   2 AZ ZyGoTo 37.6 (80%) 24-04-19
7th   00:05.005  pjw 35.72 (76%) 29-04-18
8th   00:05.041  Arkive 33.84 (72%) 09-05-18
9th   00:05.056  Taxon 31.96 (68%) 23-04-18
10th   00:05.262  jackino 30.08 (64%) 23-04-18
11th   00:16.088  vdgzr 28.2 (60%) 30-08-20
 Dedimania recordsView on Dedimania
 Author Comments
This is my entry for the April MTC of 2018

Theme of the Month: Wow, you're so fast!
Maximum tracklength of 5 seconds!

After having built a premature mtc entry on the first day of this month I thought to myself, just how far you could push a 5 second track.

The premise of this map is mostly to be capable of being hunted with some interesting ideas that work well within the 5 second theme.
Which include:

  • A booster at the start to quickly gain enough momentum for a waterbounce
  • A jump out of a cave
  • A waterbounce to reach normal acceleration again
  • A quick landing onto street where you land higher than where you jumped off from in the cave
  • A tight turn through a modified street/sand junction
  • A transition from street to city platform
  • A tricky turn on the city platform that ends in a jump
  • A jump into the side of the finish (also a kind of bugfinish)
  • A different style of lagoon scenery with a lot of detail
  • Intro/GPS/Outro and an easteregg
  • A hunted GPS and author time

    I probrably spent more time on this map than on any other mtc entry by me so far (besides Nightfall prehaps)

    Screenshot with text
    Screenshot without text

    Thanks to   xrayjay and   Snake55wildcat for uploading a few of their custom objects which I used in this map.

    I had a lot of fun building this map and I hope you enjoy playing it,
  •  Embedded objects23 Objects
    Object IX? Object author
    LargeRock.Item.Gbx snake55wildcat
    SmallRock.Item.Gbx snake55wildcat
    XLRockL.Item.Gbx snake55wildcat
    Item439.Item.Gbx lars1998
    Item443.Item.Gbx lars1998
    Item444.Item.Gbx lars1998
    Item445.Item.Gbx lars1998
    Item446.Item.Gbx lars1998
    Item450.Item.Gbx lars1998
    L_cp.Item.gbx lars1998
    L_finish.Item.gbx lars1998
    Item460.Item.Gbx lars1998
    Palm1.Item.Gbx lars1998
    Palm2.Item.Gbx lars1998
    Palm3.Item.Gbx lars1998
    PalmBarrier.Item.Gbx lars1998
    L_FerryStart.Item.gbx lars1998
    Item451.Item.Gbx lars1998
    Item452.Item.Gbx lars1998
    Item453.Item.Gbx lars1998
    Item454.Item.Gbx lars1998
    Item457.Item.Gbx lars1998
    Item458.Item.Gbx lars1998
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    Online map rating
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