Introducing a map by Noni & I.
There's some tricky U-Turns in here, and some other fun lines. We hope you enjoy the map!
Noni designed the route originally, which I beta tested. Some time later, I asked if we could turn it into a duo. I then put my stamp on the route by making a few changes here and there, while trying to keep as much of Noni's original route as possible. And then I did some scenery for the map.
Noni also gave some invaluable feedback about further changes, like making some parts smoother, and changing one part to magnetic.
GPS (by Noni)
UPDATE: Magnet part was changed back to normal blocks. Freewheeling was added. Thanks to Gaara for the idea of adding freewheeling. Thanks to Eternity for the idea of how to implement it. And thanks to Larentz and others on the smurfs test evening for the motivation to change it. Thanks also to Eternity for finding a tunnel that was blockmixed into a canyon wall.