Sometimes When It Rains by threading
Hello ManiaExchange
About The Map
The map has not have any kind of blockmix, it has made in TMUF normal editor, is very simple, accessible & easy, almost a beginner map, the most difficult part of the route is after the 1st wallride the transition to the second wallride, after that the map is relatively easy for everyone, this became one of my favorite fullspeed maps i ever made and i had a lot of fun doing this, hope the calculations on the TO's and wallrides are correct. Sometimes When it Rains is a famous classic song by Secret Garden and is relaxing, has enjoyable violins and piano solo. The intro of the map has rain drops, to make this type of intro I used the same technique that HotSeason used on the map "~Snow Flurries~", thanks for the inspiration ~Summer~ and for leting me use the "drops" in my map, really like the rain effect, on the rainy days i like to play trackmania, hope you like my humble work, have fun and enjoy, feedback, replay's, comments, awards are very welcome.
Coppers - 5362
Author time: 00:48.64 ~
- 00:52.00 ~
- 00:59.00 ~
- 01:13.00 ~
00:48.50 ~
Scenery: Light
Blockmix: ❌
Style: FullSpeed/SpeedFun/Scenery/Race
Respawnable: ❌
Mood: Day
Mod: ❌
(Coming Soon)
1 Tube
1 Loop
2 Turn Over
3 Wallrides
Special Thanks to HotSeason & waker
Hope you like it!
Sorry, i had to update the map because of one cam change