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 MTC - Cross walk

by  haenry  |  26
MTC 1st Place
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AT   01:33.321 |  Canyon / CanyonCar   |   Advanced 
ID  39274 
 2017-06-17 07:04:37
 Visible (approved) |  Released 
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 Offline records
# Record User Score Date
1st   01:30.886  gado 26 (100%) 07-01-14
2nd   01:31.962  Marius 89 24.96 (96%) 18-06-13
3rd   01:32.131  basbaas»LT 23.92 (92%) 16-06-13
4th   01:32.188  wait 22.88 (88%) 19-06-13
5th   01:33.582  Ze-Rax 21.84 (84%) 07-01-14
6th   01:37.500  eyebo 20.8 (80%) 16-06-13
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 Author Comments
I'm very glad to see this track released, as it took me a lot of time to play around with offroad transitions and possible combinations! I still enjoyed building this map though and I'm happy to say that it has turned out to be good and fun to drive :d
It's 1:30 long and features a lot of offroad because it is my submission for the May MTC, which topic it was to build an "offroadmonster" (y)

I hope you enjoy this little longer than usual and offroad-ish ride! ;)

Thank you Wait !
thanks Marti! It's no problem, I can see that you enjoyed the map, which is the most important ;)
Thank you Tuta for the long award! (l) I agree, the hillclimb rule wasn't really the best for this MTC's tracks... :-w
Thanks a lot , Superal, for such a great and heartwarming award! It's not as long as Tuta's yeah, but that doesn't mean it's worse! Both texts are equally good! You really made me happy and smile with your kind words (l)
hehe, thanks Cuba! :p
THaaaank you Baas! :) great time as well!!!!
Thank you Mariu89
Thanks a lot Lodec! And No! The transition is not by Tobbe. It's an old transition I already found and build in a map around a year ago, but just never happened to finish the track :$ However, I wish I had seen tobbe's beta, as his maps are great!! ;)
Thanks Sky' (y)
Thank you T!K
Thanks gado! you always write walls of text! A pleasure to read. I'm trying hard to build new maps, but it takes time, especially if you have only a little time :d
Thanks pfm :d
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