I would like to say thank you to the BCS team and all of the TM community for playing my tracks. I go to other servers quite a lot and see my tracks being played and it fills me with joy, happiness and pride that others like the tracks I've developed, either in collaboration or on my own over the past few years, This is not goodbye, just farewell for 2015.
PF Ring Master has been developed with the help of a few other people whom I am now going to thank and to give this track the dedication it deserves to the people who helped me make it possible.
Track is dedicated to Eke, a mapper who was instrumental in me getting the track developed. I had already made a PF track for TMU, 5 years ago which was PF Spin Doctor, currently trending with 124 awards. . So Eke, if you see this... The track is DEDICATED to you!
Track Design: Santino
MT / Intro / Outro: Nibor
The track design is very good, but the MT Outro is just
Music / Signs: Santino
BCS Mod: Alpha
Test Mapper: Gigpig35
We're not sure why, but 20 people played this track and were able to race it and enjoy the whole experience, but for some reason, a few cannot, we have deliberated whether to scrap it and start again, but my time is over with TM.
I wish you all well, and if you see me on the BCS servers or other servers.. I'll see you there.