01.03.2015 - A new month is in the beginning A wonderfull good evening People,
i wanna YOU introduce to my next track. This time i maximized focus,
to get a very easy and challenging track to consider for all people
play-able. It is a simple plattform fullspeeder and its a bit longer
as my usual prefered style. Its about 1minute long, for experts
maybe shortener. The track was built in 3 days, today i spent
alot of time to get finish this shit! I got inspired by alot of
oldschool fullspeeders at old tmx, i tried to get some
unique shit for you and i hope you will be able to play it, and to get
satisfied. I tried also now complex Mediatracker work. I added some
"cool" theme to my Mediatracker, in the hope you will like it. The
scenery i did in is very similar and really basic for some people,
but with my ambiance mediatracker it is looking very delicious
i think! Iam not the fan about podium's or outro tracker, so i
decidered to dont work it and waste time into it. I think you
can forgive me. Overall i think i did a great job here, and i really
love my track. The route includes some wallrides, loops and fast
jumps. Transition are as usual as best i can do included. Its
absolutely fullspeed and maybe youre possible to get some
speedslides in some positions. For the msuic lovers, i
included some very special music, one of my favorite groups.
Its is: Pink Floyd with Anonther brick in the Wall !
So enough words, and more details.
Track Details and Features ~ Type: Fullspeed
~ Difficulty: Easy
~ Possible Times: low 59, high 58
~ 4 Loops ~ 2 Wallrides ~ Music ~ Intro + GPS + Ambience MT ~ Skillparts ~ Blockmixing ~ PF: 12secs at beginning ~ Screenshot: Self-Made __________________________________________________________
Some hints from me ~ At some parts it is possible to speed-slide, iam not really expert, but i think
some of you, will find it !
~ Use the PF-Start, dont press another key, it is the best possible time.
~ Avoid hard drops at the wallrides.
Special graduates ~ Big thanks to: Scape for testing my track love you ~ Try this from him, i really like this track:
Last Words If you like my track, just leave something like a replay, comment or an award.
I would be happy if get some feedback from you people. And now lets
get the machines get on, and hunt like a raptor