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PROTIP! hide blockselect menu in editor
PROTIP! hide blockselect menu in editor 02 Jun, 2013
 BLiNNeMaNS (6 comments, 1559 views)  
I just got a reply on my forumpost on maniaplanet forums and had to share here!!!

Currently if you select 1 block the menu stays open, resulting in 1/2 of your screen unusable due to it being blocked by icons.

To hide that directory tree and only have the base bar, just press F1 followed by F2.

What it does is quite simple:
F1 selects terraforming mode, F2 reselects normal editor (and therefor resets view of menu)

happy building!
6 comment(s).
 winter writes ... 03, Jun, 2013  
Or just use the TMN editor to build stuff and tune as necessary in the heap of garbage tm2 editor :d
 GR. writes ... 03, Jun, 2013  
BLiNNeMaNS says:
So it would still mean you'd need to type F2 afterwards...

It means I don't use the f buttons. Left-alt and c are comfortably near and I just click on the block mode button to get back into building mode which is really a small effort. Using the f buttons would mean constanly moving my hand between the top and the bottem of the keyboard. But it depends on how people position their hand on the keyboard of course. I just like my hand on the bottom (pun intended). But I don't hide the icons that often because I got used to looking around them. So whatever suits you. But thanks for the tip, I'm sure it will help some people. (y)
 51Wizard writes ... 03, Jun, 2013  
good tip.. yeah those icons can really get in the way sometimes - cheers for the info (y)
 BLiNNeMaNS writes ... 03, Jun, 2013  
GanjaRider says:
I prefer C
C doesn't let you place blocks. So it would still mean you'd need to type F2 afterwards. As F1 and F2 are much closer to each other, i think C-F2 removes ease of building.

 GR. writes ... 03, Jun, 2013  
I prefer C
 Tuta writes ... 03, Jun, 2013  
(y) tyy
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