Going to have to give this a shot! good luck all
yeah, signs are okay. They can easily be added later on again ;)
well lodec I don't know why but I think it is because it is some kind of new feature to the game.
so not everyone is used to it yet but there are many possibilitys with them.
you can things as you never could de before. (tilting objects anyway...
I have a question regarding signs. Is it ok to change or delete them from previous basemaps?
sorry I just re read my post and yours and indeed I misread something :s
(being tired after a 16h long party+ 4h drive home)
my excuses here for
I'll check some of these maps so I'll have an idea about what you mean :)
congratz adsun really liked your part
one thing i just dont get, why are all these parts using massive objects so much voted up?
exept for adsuns part(which was great without massive object use) it seems like that when you look at the scores and...
I guess you misunderstood something:
SpeedFun is a special genre of maps just like Tech, Nascar and Fullspeed are. Most people will have to play these maps when they want to reach 90k LP.
"Nevertheless speedslides and ride, flow or any other tr...
so basicly you guys want tech maps... not speed tracks.
also what do you mean by this sentence: " Nevertheless speedslides and ride, flow or any other tricks are allowed."
so slide on grass aren't allowed anywhere or small speedslides between cor...