I'm currently hosting a cup server called Fun Beginner Cup. I need some fresh tracks for the server so I thought I would check over here :).
What I need:
:done: Stadium
:done: 20-35sec
:done: Not dirt, you...
Added! Samuel also a track from you please :cool:
:D Here is my new video for the election of Captain Dirt Team France. :cool:
:done: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oej9SYusF1I
:wait: Thanks for watching... :wait:
Will you also analyze tech/speedtech maps in Canyon and Valley? :D
(little joke cause you didnt speak about Stadium, but I know you only mean that)
Well yeah, I'm only known for my Stadium content, but I forgot to specify this. Thanks for your feed...
Marius 89
Will you also analyze tech/speedtech maps in Canyon and Valley? :D
(little joke cause you didnt speak about Stadium, but I know you only mean that)
Valid point. I almost forgot about TMNF. I guess I'll post same topic over at TMX, thanks for your feedback as always wormi 8-|
EDIT: I removed the 1 week or newer rule and added a new one instead :) Feel free to re-upload some of your TMX maps...
I think you might need to use older maps or TMNF maps too, there ain't many stadium tech mappers outside league maps in this TMX to be honest. At least I don't build any fun maps in TM2 really ^^
But nice idea! :)