No just upload it normally like you would with any other track and then just post in the submissions thread with a a link to your track.
Use "track-id-here" to have a little box with a screenshot :)
do i need to upload my track some special place to get it in to the MTC?
(You might find custom objects helping here)
yes you're allowed to use them as offroad. That was implied with this sentence^^
you may use any title right?
if you use Dag@bert's "canyon extention" title
there are objects wich have the offroad texture and physics, does this count as an offroad part or just a normal part?
it is like the dirt sections in stadium and wo...
Honestly, you can hardly learn a lot of things about the physics engine from seeing the perfect runs. You need crashes and fails in order to experience the limits and see what it feels like.
The best is still playing to learn it yourself
Yeah, th...
Please post links to your tracks for MTC March 2015 in this thread.
On your track page, you see a five-digit ID number of your track, and next to it is a JavaScript button...
What lolig said is not requiered. It doesn't matter in which way you implement all the three styles, if all at once or all after each other is up to you.
I doubt that you can build one fullspeed offroad obstacle part in canyon lasting 45sec 8-|
It's proving harder for me than expected to make these 3 styles flow together well.