Well ok. This just stinks. Nothing is done and Forzyy does not even show up here once to tell us how he is handeling things.
I am realy disapointed. Too bad that there are no alternatives to TMX. This just sucks. Way to ignore what the people want. Keep working on implementing adds, that's what we need most
I hope that we get either a alternative to this crap or a coder that at least has some basic communication skills for the next TM2 envy. The state of tmx as it is is for sure one of the reasons why tm2 isnt taking off as it should.
Sorry for the rant, but it has been a year now and we have not even heared back. You'd think that a coder of a webpage would at least find the forum within a year. This just sucks donkey balls. Yes, you Forzyy.
I am out here. Make your own bloody server and search for maps yourself, I am done here. Whole heartly fuck you.