@wrathwell (Thanks)
What you do sounds fun as well! Computer programmer was something that interested me, but since you can't do everything you have to let stuff go.
What I would like to have as a job is something in Organic Synthesis, making new molecules and testing their properties. This field is quite broad, but that makes it interesting. Or a job, that I know a certain someone is doing, where you have to test almost everything that comes past the customs. For example, checking if the fat level in peanut butter is at it's quota (not to high not to low, as it's says on the label), checking alcohol (methanol, ethanol, ...) contents of various drinks, checking wood samples for the right tensile strength, checking the nicotine content of cigarettes, ... ... ... and so on and so on. That is more based on Analytical Chemistry, which my interests are focused on as on Organics, and the variety of things you need to test is huge. And like in Organic Chemistry new molecules get made, or inventions, and they need to be tested.
Both jobs, actually most jobs in the Chemistry world, give you the ability to keep learning and raising the bar.
If want to go working after College is question for me. I might end up going to University getting a Masters degree and trying a Ph. D.. Who knows.
(right I have to go the MX Knockout competition is almost starting!!!!!)
Last edited by Sticky, 2012-04-14 10:46:17