How to convert TMNF maps to TM2
2013-02-28 11:45:51
how to convert the "old" tmnf tracks to tm2 stadium? i cant open many maps in the editor... tm crashed instandly.
i put the maps into my maps forlder but it crashed again and again.
I dont know if you can somehow convert them, but you can open some of the old ones without doing anything to them.
I tried it for this one for example, you can just open it with TM2 but it doesnt work for all tracks.
The correct way to convert them is to load them into the editor and then save them with shadow calculations.
For bulk converting the best way is by batch converting from the command line.
"C:\Program Files\ManiaPlanet\ManiaPlanet.exe" /computeallshadows /useronly /collections=Stadium /LmQuality=High
There might be the odd track that will not convert or crash the editor etc due to something in the original track (eg block mixing)
Also tracks from TMN ESWC or TMU (pre Forever) loopcams will be broken.