This might not be exactly what is meant by this thread, but I thought I'd toss this in the mix anyway...
IMO, it isn't only up to the mapper to make something flow. The driver has to also make the map flow for themselves. example:
Marius on TeMilSeeMalKuS
After just a few runs, most players would say that this map has no flow/too hard/not suitable for canyon physics. But after you see a run like this (and, god forbid, you actually try to get a clean run yourself), then you realize that making a map flow is a responsibility from both the mapper and the driver.
FT»Osaka says:
Kaiaatsel says:
On a track that's about perfect flow there aren't any awkward moments to create tension, and without tension the game isn't interesting.
As the one and only person in the MX crew who can honestly said he's built a 9:30 map with a 9-use and PERFECT FLOW (It has, trust me on this one), you can't be more wrong.
Also, since flow is basically 100% subjective, you're both wrong.
Last edited by RobertK, 2014-09-25 16:59:53