I have something special this time
I made a map where the scenery/MT is themed after Fire and Ice! I know you guys can do some very cool Fire/Ice effects, so I would love to see them
Feel free to
go crazy with the effects (as long as it still looks good
) I set the deadline for October 12, but I'm pretty flexible if you need more time
Theme: Fire and Ice!
Replay 1
Replay 2
3000 Planets + Showcase
2000 Planets + Showcase
1000 Planets + Showcase
Sorry, you will have to
compute shadows because my computer can't
I'll post a few angles later, but you can probably find some better ones then I can
Here's some angles
Angle 1
Angle 2
Angle 3
Last edited by Zack11, 2014-10-12 21:18:00