We, the adventcalendar team, have to thank all of you who participated in this event! It was a lot of work to organize everything, but at least as much fun! Thank you for your numerous contributions!
As it is Christmas, it is time to tell us some
stories! Which stories could be better than your selfwritten submissions?
(As there are so many of them, we had to put them into an extra document)
As you can see, there are still a lot of results not out yet. We simply made too many contests with too much fun, so that it was impossible for us to finish everything for the 24th
But we'll work on the missing ones trying to release everything as fast as possible and finally being able to crown the winners of the leaderboard ranking. Please be patient,
this can only take days,
years ... eeehm the results will be out soon (tm)
"When it's done"
Merry Christmas !