Re-Voting: I'm very sorry, but we've lost access to the results of the public voting! Therefore, we're going to initiate a re-vote. Perhaps some of you have your results saved and can easily put the numbers in again. Below is the new link. All moderators now have access to this form, so if anything happens to me, they have access to finish it.
NEW! July Public Voting Link:
Since there are 36 (!) MTC entries, the voting sheet has been simplified so as to reduce the overall scrolling needed - Give your score at the start of the feedback (0 to 10, half points are allowed), and then the feedback right after that, for example:
# - feedbackfeedbackfeedback...
Internal voting will be skipped for July. We'll just have the public vote.
Everyone is allowed to judge, even players who submitted a map (give your own map a 10).
Every map will be judged with marks from 0 (bad) to 10 (gud). All votes 7+ or 4- and lower require constructive feedback on why you gave it that score.
Note that you have to judge a stage entirely. You cannot judge only half of it. If you are not able to finish the map, your vote can still count, but please only leave that as a very last resort, and still judge the entire map fairly.
You need to verify your vote by making a post here. (for example: "Voted ")
One best and one worst vote for each map will be ignored if more than 10 people vote.
The re-vote will be closed September 24, 2017 at midnight CEST.