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remove stadium and ground
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remove stadium and ground 2020-08-20 04:36:49  

is there an option to remove the outer stadium and ground in a finished stadium map? any mod out there?

i remember some maps placed in the sky and thats what im looking for, but dont remember the names. also i cant copy the map into openplanets baseground because of messy items copying. i would appreciate any advice!
(map id: 199382)

thanks, beat

G-kart Racer
Location: DE
2020-11-19 16:04:39  
You could use this base:

And remove the ground with a clip only block like this one:

You could use the macroblock tool to save your creation and import it into the new map base.

Unfortunately you'll still be left with a wall around the outside of the 64x64 base. I don't think that can be removed. I'd suggest just building as high as possible. The 64x64 base has a higher building height than the normal Stadium base.
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