I don't know if I realy believe it, with particles travelling at
that speed it's easy to do a wrong measurement.
For example:
if I shoot 2 bullets one after the other:
and I want to measure the speed of the 2nd bullet,
but however at the end the detector makes a mistake
and measure the 1st bullet, then I have a faster speed
(logical, bullet 1 was earlyer launched, then bullet 1
and will arive sooner)
Now back to the test at Geniva:
they send A LOT of particles towards Italy
and may have measured the wrong particles
(that realistic because of the super high speed they travell)
and thus resulting in a higer speed. Thats incorrect
ofcourse because they measure particle 2 at the start
and particle 1 at the end.
See this picture I've made:
i hope its understandable but its hard to explain in english for me.
I think the bullets example is easy to understand.