officially joining as Judge is for everyone of the community, but it seems that a perfect judge should be:
-A Veteran of earlier MTCs and previous Trackmanias
-An expert that beats every AT time
-He Built Tracks that reached already 100+ Awards
-He should have enough time to review every Track for atleast 1 hour
-He should have enough cookies for everyone
well thats a joke
Being a Judge is as much ungrateful as being referee in a football match. You cant make the right decisions for everyone. To be honest i only built dozens of Platfrom Tracks for Previuos Trackmanias and i never became famous or well known in any Trackmania Community, but i wanted to be part of it. So i am NOT Judge at this MTC but i wrote down many things and maybe you (the participants of this MTC) are interested in what i wrote even when i am only an average Player and it most likely is not what you expect.
Judge Draft
This is my final post in this Topic so dont start to argue about me give me a PrivateMessage if you think it is necessary.
Last edited by echo4hhsm, 2011-11-12 16:05:57