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 Thrown Around (MTC)

by  Cxom  |  10
It's a start
Open to feedback
AT   01:05.294 |  Canyon / CanyonCar   |   Advanced 
ID  26838 
 2017-07-22 04:30:15
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# Record User Score Date
1st   01:02.601  chuckie 10 (100%) 07-12-12
 Dedimania recordsView on Dedimania
 Author Comments
You're going to be fighting the car through this one.

* * * * *
Ah, wouldn't it be sweet it I could just leave it at something like that. But I have much too much to say. This is my first MTC entry, and it's VERY transition based. I'm not as happy with the latter parts as the beginning ones, but I was running out of time and out of land, for that matter. It does have a moderate difficulty level, but I feel it's one of those tracks that when you find the line it's easily re-executed. Or perhaps that's just me.
Intro - :done: , but very short.
Respawnable CP's - All but CP2
GPS - Oui
Screen - Duh
Outro - :done:

Screen - Big, Original
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Online map rating
Rated 2.20 stars by 5 players.
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