FT»Joyeux says:
movo says:
Or just join a clan, and let your clanmates give the first 10 awards and boost you into the BOTW
lol, why finding a special way to get awards?
And if you wanna join a tracking clan (I only know 3, FT LT and XT ), you've to be accepted first.
i dont know any other tracking clan...
and all 3 have a long history behind (can only speak for XT, but i know many members of the other 2 tracking clans too)
And this idea wont work...even in a clan, or better...In a clan you'll get more and better, detailled feedback, but you also gain harder words if your track isnt what it should be (could).
I'm in XT since...boh....cant remember...and never had my mates pushing me in BOTW, why should they?
Even in a clan are allways mates who dont like your creations.
The good thing on this 3 is, all have their different style of tracking wich took them to the thing they are now.
And you can see on a track to wich clan the tracker belongs...if you only open your eyes.
Movo your sentence is nonsense and just not true, not for XT not for LT and not for FT
talking about Fame...
who of you knows: tcq? Panis? Legend? JakeOil? Junerat? MXII? Sivert? JumperJack? Pitstep? Buchi? Andree? TaBle? Hageldave? Ron Turbo? Trojaner?
To count only a few "known"..i'm sure some dont even know half of them at all...you see fame isnt for allwayys and for everyone
Last edited by Markus..., 2011-08-26 17:55:13