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 [MTC] The Eyrie

by  nervousWillow  |  12
It's a start
AT   01:34.136 |  Valley / ValleyCar   |   Beginner 
ID  50999 
 2017-07-24 07:00:49
 Visible (approved) |  Released 
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 Offline records
# Record User Score Date
1st   01:31.910  Minimariner 12 (100%) 14-08-20
2nd   01:34.113  nervousWillow 11.52 (96%) 14-10-13
 Dedimania recordsView on Dedimania
 Author Comments
The theme for this month was "Verticality".

If you've played any of my tracks, you'll know that I'm very much fond of staying on the ground level. This theme forces me to build out of comfort zone, which is the main reason I've built this track. It's a bit longer than the other entries so far (~1m30s), but I didn't spot any Author Time restrictions in the rules for this month.

The track has a few jumps and a small wall-ride. Lots of decoration. My original idea was to build around the starting mountain in an approximately 10x10 area, but the track rapidly expanded.

Here's an overview of the build area:


I had lots of fun building this, and hopefully you'll enjoy driving this! I've tried to keep it fairly easy yet introduced a few huntable sections for replayability. There's also GPS behind the start line.
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