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Do people prefer...?
Do people prefer...? 14 Apr, 2012
 metoxys (15 comments, 1584 views)  
Guys, a question for all of you.

Do you prefer highly competitive maps, ultrasmooth nonslide fullspeeders or stuff with looping that you'd see online?

Leave comments, please.
15 comment(s).
 wormi writes ... 18, Apr, 2012  
League tech is the only style I've driven if excluding Nadeos and some random online visits. Overall, slow & middle speed tech with many slides are the best. A bit like eyebo said.
 NKAc_Street writes ... 16, Apr, 2012  

My favorite kinds of maps are ones with loops, and crazy wall rides. I also like them difficult to master when they are not over about 50 secs. I do like the narrow skinny loop. However, some days if I have had a tiring day, a good smooth easy to drive map is nice as well.

Since I'm starting to get older, tracks over 1 minute with a lot of turns taxes my short term memory and they just frustrate me. Not because of the track, just because it pisses me off when I start forgetting the turns towards the end of the track, LOL. Some of you younger guys may understand when you start approaching 50. :) If I was retired and had more time to learn tracks those kind might not bother me as much. With that said, though, it is good for my mind when I force myself to drive the longer tracks once in a while, keeps a few more cells from dying.
  RooOOBah! writes ... 16, Apr, 2012  
For MP I prefer easier maps so that most people can finish the 1st run. If a track runs a lot of people off in MP you are just thinning the already thin herd.
As to WR maps in Solo.. I can dig just about anything.
  RobertK writes ... 16, Apr, 2012  
I prefer mini maps, mainly tech/lol/trial. I like the simplicity and how compact mini maps are and I love building them for the same reasons
 pafromain writes ... 16, Apr, 2012  
Tech, definitely tech, even sometimes hardcore tech!

Sharp turns, hairpins, slopes, downhills, small jumps, complicated combinations of turns, all that is good. Also, we lack parts with slow narrow roads, that can be techy as hell too! (y)

As long as they are not tricky, because sadistic maps are just painful for nothing.

I know not everybody shares my tastes... :d
 Tuta writes ... 15, Apr, 2012  
I like tracks that the author is proud of. Pretty much :d
 Voyager006 writes ... 15, Apr, 2012  
As long as the fullspeed maps are easy to finish and have respawn routes.
 eyebo writes ... 15, Apr, 2012  
"Competitive tracks" could refer to a number of styles.. but you probably refer to league-tech. That's actually what I prefer in Canyon. I find it the easiest to handle while also being the most challenging and fun to get a good time on. I also like some slightly faster speedtech type tracks.

Everything else, including maps with loops either feels too lucky, hard to control, or just too fast to control quick enough. But maybe I'm just getting too old for that fast stuff. Although, Lethal was making those super fast red booster Island tracks in TMS while he was in his 60s (twice my age). So I'll shut up now. :p
 banjee»UD writes ... 15, Apr, 2012  
Well in Canyon, I think it almost sacrilegious to make a no-slide track. :p So really like the tech that have nice jumps and drops integrated into them. I like big, long, slides and I like smooth landings. :cool:
 metoxys writes ... 14, Apr, 2012  
For instance, people, I'm not asking about how the track is but what the track is. Not as in clear paths and stuff but about the track style
 SPIDER writes ... 14, Apr, 2012  
All tracks that have a fair and clear route is fun, or maybe i should say a plus. because then its fun when you dont have to find a way and there is no cuts, all have the same chance to make a good time anyway online and not to much luck involved unless its a lol track < 22 sec can include 1 stunt. i dont like night tracks becouse that some areas are carbon black and its hard to see the race line. 8-|

light tracks
easy to find
not to hard stunts
not to fast even do all tracks in canyon is fast. Hard to keep the speed down i think.
not to long straight roads; its fun sometimes but mostly not.....
<30 sec tracks (l)
I dont like when you have to swich cam to cp (cockpit) to see where to go. its ennoying but i can handle it, but it can make me to stop playing becouse its get boring and irritating sometimes.
 Shredster7 writes ... 14, Apr, 2012  
It all depends on the builder, really.
If you want my advice, just go ahead an do what you want, as long as the specified path is clear and easy to finish. If you're going to have a 90-degree turn on the edge of a cliff (for example) then MAKE SURE there's a sign there saying "Hey! Turn Left!"
 Sticky writes ... 14, Apr, 2012  
It's a tough question.

I like all kinds of tracks. I like to drift, have smoothness and speed. But nonslide turns are fine to, just not to much of them.
Not so much a fan of loops, atleast not the narrow ones. But Corkscrews, walls and those weird half loop thingies are fun.
A track doesn't have to be competitive but it's fun though. For technical, I believe that every track gets technical if you want the best score, but in terms of skill, well I don't have to much of it so somewhere in between. :p Although there is always room for improvement. (my skill level that is)
As for speed, I like an upbeat track, not crazy fast. Just fast enough that you don't slow down when going up a hill/slope.

but to answer your question, I would pick the highly competitive maps, ultrasmooth nonslide fullspeeders.
 Falkers writes ... 14, Apr, 2012  
I prefer a good mixed tech(or speedtech) track.
 Minato writes ... 14, Apr, 2012  
I prefer maps where you can win planets. :p

Just joking, I enjoy every kind of map, if it's build well. It can be competitive, speedy or RPG or crazy or, or, or... :p
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