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 MTC is back! - Monthly Track Contest May 2024
by  AraiKay at 03 May, 2024  

After almost two years, the ManiaExchange Monthly Track Contest (MTC) is back on TM² !!!

So, you want to build a track with fun restrictions to hone in your skills and creativity? This month's MTC is perfect for that!
Except for the "track" part, because track pieces are not allowed this time around.

You must build your map using only decorative blocks.
Good luck and, most importantly, have fun!

FINAL RESULTS for the ManiaExchange User Choice Awards 2023 are available now! Thank you to everyone who nominated and voted on all of the categories. Hope you enjoyed it and congratulations to all of the winners!

It's time to vote on the ManiaExchange User Choice Awards for 2023!

Thank you to everyone who submitted nominations, based on those we've selected the nominees and YOU get to choose the winner! The Voting Period will be from March 15th to March 22nd.


The ManiaExchange User Choice Awards for 2023 start right now with the nomination period!
Nominate worthy candidates for our various categories.
The nomination period is March 5th to March 12th.


The next Gamers Assembly edition will arrive on Trackmania² Canyon the 30th and 31st March and will be played in LAN, at Poitiers, France.

jonthekiller is looking for Canyon maps for this upcoming edition. Deadline for submissions is 25th of February.
The Smurfen Canyon League is currently hosting two league competitions, the Canyon Team League and the Canyon Solo League. To watch matches each week, check regularly on the league page where a list of matches and streams are posted.

Matches will continue through the 2nd week of February.

You have one week left to submit your awesome maps for the Smurfen.net Canyon League CTL3 and CSL4!

Mappers can send in their maps before 8 December 2023.
The Smurfs would love to see your map and see why your maps are just the best! Join their Discord.

HaagseSmurf says:
To celebrate our 15th anniversary Smurfen.net will host a special endurance Canyon Event on the 29th of June at 20.00 cest (map discovery at 19.00 cest)
This event will be played on a Canyonmap built by 17 Smurfs and is around 15 minutes long.

The 17 Smurfs who worked on the map are Eyebo, Kamakaze, Larentz, Roche, Butifarra, Eternity, Dr_Eugene, Katgrrrl, Mazer, Moggie, Mystixor, Shadi, DD244, JR1988, Meistercz, Cypes and HaagseSmurf.

The pointdistribution will be the same as normal Smurfscups in Canyon/Valley with a pointlimit of 180. (50,45,41,38,36,34,32,30,28,26,24,22,20,18,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,1,1)
See you online on thursday 29-6-2023 at 19.00 cest

Results are in for the MX User Choice Awards 2022! The awards include categories for mappers, maps, and more from TM2 & SM!

The voting phase for the MX User Choice Awards for 2022 have begun! The awards include categories for mappers, maps, and more from TM2, SM, and TM2020. Deadline for voting is March 31, 2023.
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