If you see online records on your tracks disappearing, it's because ManiaRecords, TM2's first online record system, has been taken offline for good. In the words of the ManiaRecords developers:
jimpower says:
ManiaRecords was always an interim solution until Dedimania came to TM2. That's why we disable our service now - More than 1 WR-Database does not make sense. Thanks to everyone who spent time on coding and maintaining the Database - Especially uBm and undef.de.
Thanks guys! You provided a valuable service for online players and the MX community as well!
Even though ManiaRecords is gone, we still have Dedimania. For now, if you want to see the online records on tracks, you can click on the "Dedimania" link below the records box on a track page. You are also welcome to
donate to dedimania if you'd like to see the global record service continue to operate and grow in the coming months and years. It's community built and run, just like MX.